About Us
In music, Forté means loud and strong!
It also refers to a person’s strong point.
Our Vision
To develop in every student a strong and complete foundation for music making, to discover their forte, stretch their potential and cultivate their passion for music.
Our Mission
To imbue in our students, through musical training, perseverance and discipline, the essential virtues of lifelong achievement.
Our Philosophy
To pursue excellence holistically.
Weekly lessons on the instrument, as well as the weekly theory and aural classes to enhance the musical knowledge, students are encouraged to excel at their own pace.
Masterclasses will be scheduled for students to exchange their views on playing and have an exposure to different schools of thoughts given by other masters.
Performance platforms are provided as we believe music is a means of sharing and reaching out to others, and in return, to enlighten ones’ inner self.
Ensemble and chamber music workshops are added to broaden scopes of performances and musical experience.